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For over 30 years, Hercules has focused on innovating and developing digital audio solutions which continue to inspire users with endless new possibilities. From the very first sound card to our latest high-tech mixing controllers, Hercules has built up a level of expertise and know-how widely acknowledged within the audio industry. Their mission is offer affordable controllers for beginner DJs to learn how to mix and scratch.
30多年以來,Hercules一直致力於創新和開發數碼音響方案,不斷為用戶帶來無限的可能性。從第一張聲交卡到最新的DJ 混音控制器,Hercules 的專業知識和技術水平,早已備受認可。他們的使命是為 DJ 入門人士提供各種不同配套,更方便學習及了解 DJ 混音技術,增加對混音的興趣。

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