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Next Level Racing® is founded in 2009, a premium brand for racing and flight simulation products, it continues to lead the market with innovative design and technology and has various patents in numerous countries around the world. Products provided for home use and also supplied to professional drivers and pilots including the Australian Defence Force, Air Force Cadets, Bristol University department of Aerospace Engineering and professional race car drivers from around the world.
Next Level Racing® 2009年成立,是專注制作模擬賽車及飛行的品牌。創新的外型設計及技術令品牌在巿場備受注視, 同時亦獲得多個國家的專利授權。其產品設計可家用,亦同時為多個國家政府機構及車隊的專業車手及飛機師作為平日訓練用途,如Australian Defence Force, Air Force Cadets, Bristol University department of Aerospace Engineering等。

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